En nettbutikk fra Moderne Kjøling AS
Maskin & Elektro

DictatorDictator dørlukker

R-1400 dørtiltrekker
Dørtiltrekker for montering på dørens karmside. Velegnet for mindre kjøle og fryseromsdører, og andre steder man ønsker tett tillukket dør (søppelrom, maskinrom etc.)
  • For mounting on the push side of the door
  • Protects the door, the hinges and the frame.
  • It helps towards saving expensive energy because the doors are really closed and thus the precious warmth or cooled air can't escape.
  • It provides safety as doors are reliably closed.
Varenr: 923501

På lager(14)

kr 4 750,-/stk

DICTATOR R 1400 Door Damper - For Unobtrusive Mounting under the Frame on the closing Face of the door.
The DICTATOR door checks prevent the "big bang" of hinged doors.They make sure, that a door slammed shut either by hand, wind, air draughts etc. is catched before doing so by the door check. The door check pulls it quietly and safely to the completely closed position and keeps it there. The R 1400 door damper is especially designed to cope with situations where unobtrusive mounting on the closing face of the door is wanted or required for optical or practical reasons. All R 1400 door checks are furnished with a special cylinder which allows vertical and horizontal mounting. The progressive breaking action of DICTATOR door checks gently and smoothly slows down the door, firmly pulls the door into the latch and reliably keeps the door closed. All door dampers are preadjusted for an optimal damping performance. The R 1400 door damper is especially designed to cope with situations where unobtrusive mounting is required or there is no room over the door to mount the hook. In spite of its small size the R 1400 door damper is suitable for interior and lighter exterior doors. The chrome plated case, concealed cylinder and nearly invisible fixing combine to give an attractive design. The R 1400 consists of the casing with roller lever and the hook. A special cylinder allows it to be mounted either vertically or horizontally onto the door. The R 1400 door damper can be used on exterior doors as it is also available in stainless steel, protecting them from weather and humidity.

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